I think that is the case now, I was confused (still a little too) as to why the <web-app id="" was being used instead.


On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Rex Wang wrote:

IMO, war file's name is more user friendly.


2009/6/16 Ivan <xhh...@gmail.com>
WebApp_ID is not so friendly, not sure when it begins, this should be improved, maybe we could use the war file's name as the default context.

2009/6/16 Jason Dillon <ja...@planet57.com>
Aren't we trying to do something a little bit more intelligent about picking a context for deployed wars w/o a plan.xml?

Seems like all of these "default/..." wars want to mount under / WebApp_ID... forcing me to make a plan for them, just to set the context.

Is this how it always worked?



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