Agreed, since it won't hurt.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Lin Sun <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently, I opened GERONIMO-4683 in G about the Transaction.commit
> signature is missing the IllegalStateException.  The reason why I
> raised this JIRA is because in OSGi RFC 98 (Transaction in OSGi)
> compliance test, we use Geronimo's JTA spec jar as the baseline.
> During OSGi RFC 98 compliance test run with an implementation of RFC
> 98, OSGi signature test currently checks strictly on exceptions throw
> by each of the method to see if it is the same as the baseline's
> signature, which is the Geronimo JTA spec jar.   If it is not the same
> the test fail.   For example, below is what is specified by the JTA
> java doc and G JTA spec.
> G JTA spec jar -
> public void commit()
>            throws HeuristicMixedException,
>                   HeuristicRollbackException,
>                   RollbackException,
>                   SecurityException,
>                   SystemException;
> JTA 1.1 Java doc -
> public void commit()
>            throws RollbackException,
>                   HeuristicMixedException,
>                   HeuristicRollbackException,
>                   SecurityException,
>                   IllegalStateException,
>                   SystemException
> What do you think of adding the missing unchecked exception
> "IllegalStateException" back to our JTA spec and release a newer
> version of the JTA spec jar just to be the same as what is in the Java
> doc?  I think it is good for us to be consistent with what is in the
> JTA spec and we should be consistent in declaring the unchecked
> exceptions (we currently declares the SecurityException but not the
> IllegalStateException).
> p.s. if you are interested and have access to, the related discussion
> is OSGi alliance can be found here -
> Thanks
> Lin

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