Last chance everyone,

The board report needs to be sent in by Monday.

So, if there is anything notable that was missed - please add it!



Jay D. McHugh wrote:
> Hello again everyone,
> I have made a couple of additional changes to the report.
> Please take a look (especially to the sections on the sandbox and
> specifications) to make sure I haven't said anything that isn't correct.
> And remember - the changes should really be made before the 16th.
> So make your changes/additions soon.
> Thanks,
> Jay
> Jay D. McHugh wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Every three months I resolve that I should keep a running tally of the
>> important events in Geronimo so that it will be easier to make the
>> quarterly reports.  I'm still making the same resolution.
>> But, here is a start to the report for October.  There are a few items
>> that are not yet resolved:
>> Will there be a 2.2 release this quarter?
>> Will the Blueprint sandbox get contributed to Aries?
>> etc...
>> So not everything can be nailed down now.  But if there are any areas
>> that are completely missing, please add them.
>> Thanks,
>> Jay

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