On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Rick McGuire <rick...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Shawn Jiang wrote:
>> Now we are using karaf as OSGI runtime. Karaf has its own shell which is
>> based on RFC 139 command service.  Karaf shell uses blueprint and a set of
>> util abstract classes to provide a easy to use program model  for new
>> commands.
>> Geronimo 2.x has its own shell which
>>    * bases on gshell
>>    * uses groovy to define commands.(I don't kown why but I don't
>>      like this)
>>    * uses classworld to bootstrap itself
>>    * uses a serverProxy to provide geronimo server startup/stop commands.
>>    * uses JMX to invoke jsr88 implementation to provide applications
>>      deploy/undeploy/distribution commands.
>>    * uses JMX to get plugin installer GBean instance to provide
>>      plugin install and customized assemblely commands.
>> I found that all the gshell bootstrap files in geronimo_home/etc has been
>> removed in geronimo 3.0 framework.   Is there any plan  to migrate existing
>> geronimo shell commands from gshell to karaf shell in geronimo 3.0 ?
> I don't believe there's any plan to migrate away from gshell to using the
> karaf shell (at least yet).  I'm a little concerned about breaking any
> custom commands/scripts that may have been written for prior Geronimo
> releases, so there's a bit of a balancing act involved here.

Got it , Thanks

> I suspect we might want to explore keeping the existing geronimo shell, but
> see if it is possible for it to invoke commands built using the Karaf
> infrastructure.

To call Karaf command from existing geronimo shell.  we have to change the
current geronimo shell bootstrap from classworld to osgi firstly.  And then
figure out a way to add some bridge code in geronimo shell.

 This would allow us to reuse existing Karaf commands and allow new commands
> to be written using the Karaf programming model.
I'm wondering can we migrate all existing geronimo commands to karaf shell.
 and then use gshell-karaf bridge to call them to provide legacy gshell
interface.  So that two set of commands mode are co-existing.

We can recommend the users to use karaf shell from geronimo 3.0.  When it
get popular, the gshell can be optional or be removed in future release

> Rick
>> --
>> Shawn


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