For the 2.2 based projects -
Maven 2.0.10
Java 5 (latest 1.5.0 from Sun or IBM)

First, build the server without tests -
1) svn co g22
Note: for Windows, extract to a drive root to minimize the path length used, like C:\g22
2) cd g22
3) mvn clean install -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=

Next, build GEP 2.2.0 (but not the testsuite) -
1) svn co gep-trunk
2) cd gep-trunk
3) mvn clean install

If all went well, then you can try running the testsuite -
1) cd testsuite
2) mvn clean install


Fei LI wrote:
Hi Kevan,
I am so glad to have your answer. Yes, I sent to everyone because I do not know if my email reached anybody. I always get my own email back. I do not know what that means. Blocked? Bumped? Accepted but nobody answer? After you fix it, can you simply give me what procedure to follow? I need a success build without error. 1. which Maven version to try.
2. which SVN path to retrieve source code.
3. which Maven commend to use: "mvn clean install -Ptestsuite"
Thanks Fei Li

*From:* Kevan Miller []
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 04, 2009 11:19 AM
*To:* Geronimo Dev
*Cc:* Fei LI
*Subject:* Re: help

Hi Fei,
Please try and limit your email topics to a single mailing list.
Donald Woods responded to your first question as follows:

On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

Before building the Eclipse Plugins (GEP 2.2.0) you'll need to build a Geronimo 2.2-SNAPSHOT server locally (from geronimo/brnaches/2.2), as the artifacts out on the SNAPSHOT repo are really old. I've started a build to publish the latest 2.2-SNAPSHOT artifacts out, to get one last one out there before we have a 2.2 RC to start testing, but it'll take several hours for the publish to finish. The best bet, is to always build the latest server code before trying to build GEP....

I haven't tried to build devtools, recently. Will give it a try...


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