On Jan 25, 2010, at 1:35 PM, David Jencks wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:41 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:
>> We should be putting some thought on what the Geronimo deliverables are in 
>> the web profile world.  I think for the most part, this should be just a 
>> different assembly that assembles a smaller set of components.  The one 
>> additional configuration that is probably going to be needed is an EJB Lite 
>> configuration that would be used by the Web Profile assembly.  This should 
>> not be a big delta over what we have, but it does increase the number of 
>> assemblies that we end up releasing.  Are there other options we should be 
>> working at?
> I think we might already have too many assemblies :-)
> Ideally when the osgi integration settles down we will have an even better 
> way than in 2.2 for extending a framework server or assembling custom 
> servers.  I'm cautiously in favor of making the "minimal" tomcat and jetty 
> servers support the web profile and having smaller servers be custom 
> assemblies or based on the framework server.

Agreed that we don't want 2 additional assemblies. Replacing the "minimal" 
servers with "web profile" equivalents seems reasonable to me. 

I think users would find it convenient if an assembly could contain multiple 
configuration files. A full EE6 assembly could be invoked with a framework, 
minimal, web profile, or full EE6 configuration. Similarly, a web profile could 
contain framework and minimal configurations, also.


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