I was doing a little work on the activation spec package today, and I ran into a puzzling problem. Once I got my changes to compile and build correctly, I started getting unit test failures. And I was getting very strange results while trying to debug the failures...it didn't appear that my updates were getting picked up. The light finally went on when I realized that the activation framework was included in the 1.6 JRE, so it was picking up the reference implementation instead. And that version appears to have a couple of bugs :-)

It would appear that these tests need to be run with the new jar in the endorsed dir in order to get picked up. I'll open a Jira against this, and in the short term, I'm going to comment out the couple of unit tests that are failing. The technique used with Yoko should work to get the correct jar picked up, but that's something I'll want to come back to when I have some more time.


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