The upload to Nexus doesn't use scp - it uses https.

There is a Maven 2.0.11 out. Have you checked if the "bugs" are fixed there?

If you want to include enforcer settings in the staging and release
profiles to require 2.2.1 for those two, where artifacts are being
signed and uploaded, then I'd be okay with that, but I don't want to
require normal users who want to build and test patches to upgrade to
2.2.1, as that could cause some users problems if they are using Maven
integration in Eclipse or a third-party IDE based on Eclipse that
doesn't have the latest Eclipse plugins available.


On 3/14/10 9:24 PM, Rex Wang wrote:
> hi, Donald, in
> A prerequisite says:
> "you must use Maven 2.2.1, as Maven 2.0.x cannot deploy over SCP to the
> ASF, and Maven 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 produce incorrect GPG signatures and
> checksums respectively."
> I think we have to use 2.2.1..
> 2010/3/12 Donald Woods < <>>
>     +1 to using Genesis 2.0 as this lets us use Nexus to deploy artifacts
>     (this was discussed in another thread awhile back.)
>     -1 to requiring Maven 2.2.1, as Genesis 2.0 only requires 2.0.10 or
>     later -
>     -
>     ...
>                <plugin>
>                    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                    <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
>                    <executions>
>                        <execution>
>                            <phase>validate</phase>
>                            <goals>
>                                <goal>enforce</goal>
>                            </goals>
>                            <configuration>
>                                <rules>
>                                    <requireMavenVersion>
>                                        <version>[2.0.10,)</version>
>                                    </requireMavenVersion>
>                                </rules>
>                            </configuration>
>                        </execution>
>                    </executions>
>                </plugin>
>     ...
>     -Donald
>     On 3/11/10 10:42 AM, Forrest Xia wrote:
>     > To use apache-release profile and maven release plugin to do
>     release, I
>     > guess :-)
>     >
>     > Forrest
>     >
>     > On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Kevan Miller
>     < <>
>     > < <>>>
>     wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >     On Mar 11, 2010, at 3:54 AM, Rex Wang wrote:
>     >
>     >     > Hi Jarek,
>     >     > Could you help update the scripts?
>     >
>     >     Read more of my mail... ;-) So, I assume *why* is because of the
>     >     move to Genesis 2.0. So, brings up a new question... ;-) Why
>     update
>     >     G 2.1 to use Genesis 2.0?
>     >
>     >     --kevan
>     >
>     >
> -- 
> Lei Wang (Rex)
> rwonly AT <>

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