On Mar 16, 2010, at 6:05 PM, David Jencks wrote:

> I'm thinking of porting the work to deal with retrying stuff that didnt work 
> (GERONIMO-5152) in the tx manager component from trunk back to the 2.1 
> branch.  However, this changes the interaction between the connection 
> management and the tx manager quite a bit -- the tx manager can now request 
> an XAResource from the connection management rather than just getting handed 
> one when a pool starts up.
> So, I'm wondering what appropriate versions would be.  I think that 
> continuing 2.1.x is inappropriate for this size change.  I think this would 
> be an osgi major version bump.  So at least it should go to 2.2... and trunk 
> to 3.0
> Another possibility would be 2.1 >> 3.0 and trunk >> 4.0 which is more 
> consistent with osgi versions.
> thoughts?

Would be great to have these updates available for G 2.1.x and G 2.2.x servers! 
Personally, I think moving the tx-manager branch to 2.2 and tx-manager trunk to 
3.0 would be just fine. I don't think the OSGi version scheme has much bearing 
for consumers of 2.1 and the new 2.2. 3.0 gives you a major version bump where 
you most need it -- where you have the most OSGi consumers and where the spec 
version bumps. I won't have a strong objection to moving branch to 3.0, if 
that's what is decided. Just strikes me as slightly confusing...


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