On 4/6/2010 5:23 PM, Jarek Gawor wrote:
I came up with one solution (committed in revision 931319).

In this solution I created a maven-property-plugin which executes in
the "validate" phase and sets "bootClassPath" system property. The
value of "bootClassPath" property is set to
-Xbootclasspath/p:<path><pathSeparator><path>... string where each
<path>  is the jar file to prepend to boot classpath. The
"bootClassPath" property is then used in maven-compiler-plugin and
maven-surefire-plugin and passed as a java/javac argument.

This seems to work for me but I'm wondering if it works for other
people on different OSes and JVMs (especially on Windows and on
non-Sun JVMs).
What's driving the need for doing this? Generally, prepending something to the bootstrap classpath is considered very bad form. The JVM supported method for overriding bootstrap classes is the endorsed directory path. I took another look at what Yoko does to get around this problem, and it appears the mavan-compiler-plugin and surefire plugins have all the support you need. Here are some snippets from the Yoko core subproject. To compile this code, it requires the yoko-corba-spec classes rather than the JVM provided ones. The build contains the following build steps:

1) Get the required jars into an endorsed directory: This is done using the dependency plugin.


2) Compile the code with a specified endorsed dir. This is handled using the maven-comiler-plugin:


3)  Run the unit tests with the same endorsed dir:


I knew about steps 1&3, but I just discovered step 2 when I double checked after seeing your solution. This solution really should be used rather than overriding the bootClasspath.



On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Jarek Gawor<jga...@gmail.com>  wrote:

We need to find a way to make the compiler in Maven to load certain
libraries as endorsed libraries. I know this has been discussed before
but do we have some specific solutions for this problem? We will need
to deal with this fairly soon now - for example to implement the
@Resource.lookup support.


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