So why not release it as version=1.1 and we'll spin a 1.1.1 if more
updates are required?  Not sure why we need to version it as a Milestone
release.... Is there a TCK required?  If so, why not upgrade 2.1.5 or
2.2.1-SNAPSHOT to use the new level and verify it still passes the Java
EE 5 TCKs?


On 4/21/10 6:33 PM, David Jencks wrote:
> I think I've done  everything I want to for now with yoko as far as getting 
> it running in osgi.  It would be great if someone wanted to review it, 
> otherwise I think its time to start trying to release it.
> BTW, we're going to have problems with osgi and milestones, since e.g. 3.0.M1 
> is after 3.0.  Similarly for yoko, 1.1.M! is after 1.1.  So I think this 
> release should be 1.1.M! and when we get all the interop stuff to work we can 
> release 1.2.
> Basically what I did is to steal Rick's locator code from the specs, but 
> register stuff through blueprint rather than scanning bundles.  I also added 
> a priority to make it easier to predict which class you'd end up with.  I 
> also tried to locate every place a class is loaded dynamically in yoko and 
> have it use the locator.
> This seems to allow configuring your orb completely through these blueprint 
> beans, rather than supplying a properties file with the service name to class 
> mapping.  This has been one of my goals for yoko for a long time, although I 
> don't know if anyone else thinks it's valuable.
> thanks
> david jencks

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