Ok, I've put together a set of items that need to be completed for the M1 release. Here are the items I'm aware of:

Ok, the following things need to be done:

1) Get the specs released (up for vote now)
2) Release the various Geronimo subprojects the server is dependent upon
- Geronimo bundles (I'm currently moving those out of the server build and getting the license issues sorted out)
    - XBeans blueprint
    - yoko
    - The components components (transaction manager, connector, jaspi)
    - The xmlbeans schema components
    - Our version of tomcat in the external release
3) Sort out how to deal with our current snapshot dependencies. This includes (but not limited to):
    - openejb
    - activemq
    - aries (currently up for release vote)
    - pax-logging
    - some servicemix bundles
    - myfaces
    - felix bundlerepository
    - felix karaf
    - juddi
    - tranql-connector
    - openwebbeans (recently added to the build)


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