Did you know that we have a Geronimo Blog? Well, we do. Kevan created it a few months back and authorized those people that expressed interest at the time. That included me but I didn't even think about it again until yesterday when I discovered that nobody had yet posted at all. So ... I had the privilege to be the first person.

I created just an initial Welcome post along with my thoughts about the purpose of the Blog and a hint of what I really wanted to post about (more on that later). I sort of felt that some introduction was necessary before posting any real content. I also just added a link to the blog on our web site under "Community". Since it might take a while to sync you can find the blog here:

As I mentioned in the initial post, I hope that we can use this blog to highlight new features, upcoming events, whatever people may find interesting or informative .... basically things that might be too easily lost in the volume of information on the mailing lists or wiki and that we want to call out in a special way.

We might choose to come up with some guidelines or procedures for posting or we might just leave it open. Thoughts? I believe that Kevan is currently an admin and can add those interested in posting if you didn't express interest earlier.


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