Minor points:

* Copyright date in the NOTICE file has not been updated
* The KEYS file should be deleted
* Can the .properties files be updated with source license headers? Their 
content is trivial/nonsensical, but if syntactically possible would be better 
to have a header...

Major point:

* The xbean-finder-shaded jar is not properly licensed, I think. The license 
file does not include the ASM license. I haven't checked, but it's possible we 
missed this in previous releases.

Here's my -1.


On May 14, 2010, at 7:07 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

> Please vote for the geronimo xbean 3.7 release
> The major changes to this release are:
> - xbean-blueprint subproject to provide support for Aries blueprint component 
> assembly
> - xbean-bundleutils subproject to provide useful common utilities for dealing 
> with OSGi bundles.
> Staging repo is here:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-030/
> tag is here:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/xbean/tags/xbean-3.7
> Vote open 72 hours
> [ ] +1 release this
> [ ] 0 don't care
> [ ] -1 don't release this (please explain)
> Rick

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