On 8/20/2010 9:03 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:
On Aug 20, 2010, at 6:07 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

2)  Should the source NOTICE file be kept as is or changed to match the generated NOTICE 
file?  Keeping these the same is definitely a manual process, so there's a good chance 
there will be drift over time.  I suspect there's also a good chance that new projects 
will get created by using an existing project as a model, so it's also likely that 
mismatches will get included that way.  I think I would lean toward using the common 
source NOTICE file with the generic "Apache Geronimo" name.
Since I wasn't clear -- "Apache Geronimo" is a good solution. Necessary and 

Sounds good. I assume I should also take a pass at the other Geronimo subprojects (bundles, ext, components, etc.) to ensure there is some consistency here.


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