
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:02 AM, Shawn Jiang <genspr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Kevan !
> I've deleted scout/jaxb/saaj from the repository and will restage a vote for
> scout/jaxb/saaj  component.
> This vote is now just for the woodstox, axis and axiom.   Please continue to
> vote for the 3 remaining bundles.
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 12:19 AM, Kevan Miller <kevan.mil...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Shawn,
>> Nice work.
>> There's been an update on how to handle dual-licensed artifacts (or an
>> update on my understand of how to handle them...). See --
>> http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#mutually-exclusive
>> Based on this, we should not be including the GPL license in our license
>> file. So, I think we need to respin saaj-impl and jaxb impl based on this
>> new information. I've already made updates to trunk with what I think is
>> appropriate.
>> Also, something went wrong in the preparation of the scout tag (and source
>> distribution). The source appears twice: scout-1.2.3_1/src/ and
>> scout-1.2.3_1/scout/src/. scout-1.2.3_1/NOTICE is out of date.
>> scout-1.2.3_1/scout/NOTICE is correct. IMO, we should respin scout, once the
>> source issue has been resolved.
>> Here's my +1 for woodstox, axis, and axiom.
>> Except as noted above, all looks good -- signature/checksum,
>> license/notice, source (rat), and build.
>> --kevan
>> On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Shawn Jiang wrote:
>> > This is a single vote for releasing 6 new Geronimo bundles that are OSGi
>> > versions of other jar files.  The wrappered jars are
>> >
>> >    woodstox-core-asl 4.1.1_1
>> >    jaxb-impl 2.2.3-1_1
>> >    scout 1.2.3_1
>> >    saaj-impl 1.3.8_1
>> >    axis 1.4_2
>> >    axiom-all 1.2.12_1
>> >
>> >
>> >    The components up for vote are:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/woodstox-core-asl/4.1.1_1/woodstox-core-asl-4.1.1_1-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/woodstox-core-asl/4.1.1_1/woodstox-core-asl-4.1.1_1-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/jaxb-impl/2.2.3-1_1/jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1_1-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/jaxb-impl/2.2.3-1_1/jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1_1-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/scout/1.2.3_1/scout-1.2.3_1-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/scout/1.2.3_1/scout-1.2.3_1-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/saaj-impl/1.3.8_1/saaj-impl-1.3.8_1-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/saaj-impl/1.3.8_1/saaj-impl-1.3.8_1-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/axis/1.4_2/axis-1.4_2-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/axis/1.4_2/axis-1.4_2-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/axiom-all/1.2.12_1/axiom-all-1.2.12_1-source-release.zip
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/axiom-all/1.2.12_1/axiom-all-1.2.12_1-source-release.tar.gz
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >    The staging repository is:
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-002/
>> >
>> >
>> >    The source repos are:
>> >
>> >
>> >  https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/woodstox-core-asl-4.1.1_1
>> >
>> >  https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1_1
>> >    https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/scout-1.2.3_1
>> >
>> >  https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/saaj-impl-1.3.8_1
>> >    https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/axis-1.4_2
>> >
>> >  https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags/axiom-all-1.2.12_1
>> >
>> >     Vote will be open for 72 hours.
>> >
>> >     [ ] +1  approve
>> >     [ ] +0  no opinion
>> >     [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
>> >
>> > --
>> > Shawn
> --
> Shawn

Jacek Laskowski
Java EE, functional languages and IBM WebSphere - http://blog.japila.pl
Warszawa JUG conference = Confitura (formerly Javarsovia) :: http://confitura.pl

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