Hi devs,

Now, I want to add the support of OSGi bundle repository in Geronimo3.0, the
patch is available at: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-5939
I used Felix's OBR APIs to develop and add  *THREE* karaf shells to control
the OBR in geronimo:
1 obr:geronimo-addurl url*
Add a remote repository to the geronimo's repositoryAdmin.
2 obr:geronimo-install [--start | --startLevel num | -v]
Install a bundle into geronimo in OBR way.
first, resolve the bundle, if resolve failed, return directly and print the
unsatisfactory conditions to user;
second, download the bundle and its dependencies from the remote sites to
third, deploy all the bundles into geronimo repository and install them into
OSGi framework;
finally, update the geronimo's obr.xml file.
3 obr:geronimo-uninstall symbolicName,version*
Uninstall a bundle from geronimo in OBR way.
Compared with the osgi:uninstall, the OBR's uninstall will clean up the
geronimo's repository and startup.properties file, also update the obr.xml

Any suggestions ?

Best regards!

               John Xiao

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