On Dec 15, 2011, at 4:55 AM, Charles Moulliard wrote:

> Hi,
> Within mailing list of Karaf, we have started a discussion about the
> idea to have a KarafEE release. This idea is similar to the reflection
> that OpenEJB team has had with TomEE but using Tomcat as Java
> Application Server. As Geronimo uses Karaf as their kernel (which is
> not the case for Glassfish, JBoss, Eclipse Virgo, ...) that makes a
> lot of sense that we continue to promote karaf as platform not only
> for Integration Server like ServiceMix but also for J2EE platform.
> Since EJB3 spec and CDI, we see more and more projects interested to
> have/use an EJB container on Karaf and use it as an alternative to
> Spring (Dynamic Module/Blueprint). Developing a server, certify it,
> cost a lot.
> As we we do not want to re-invent the wheel and due to number of
> resources available, we prefer to capitalize on the work/efforts done.
> This is why we come to you to discuss the idea about collaborating
> together to improve existing geronimo-karaf platform to address points
> mentioned in this thread
> (http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Proposition-Apache-KarafEE-td3585332.html)
> to be able to provide a KarafEE or Geronimo distro but using "features
> mechanism" of Karaf to deploy OpenEJB, OpenJPA, new Karaf web console,
> ...
> What do you think about that ?

You may need to be more precise about what exact capabilities/features you are 
looking for…

David Jencks has been working on some Karaf updates necessary for a more 
complete Karaf integration within Geronimo.

We do have a general desire to move Geronimo from the current GBeans to an OSGi 
service-based infrastructure.  If this is inline with your thinking, than I'd 
say there's a definite possibility for collaboration… Your thoughts, ideas, and 
contributions would be welcomed by the Geronimo community.


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