IMO, consultants and researchers are the earthworms of a vibrant OS community 
that meets the standards sought after at the ASF.  I don’t see how we’re going 
to attract them.  While the ideas posited on the mailing lists are pretty 
interesting, I just don’t see any of the ideas attracting a larger active 
community.  The reasons for this are
the lack of interest in JEE
inability to use a reasonably current JEE TCK
the size and age of the legacy code base 
project members unable to commit time resources to mentor new members
When one reads about JEE not being “dead yet”, one is actually reading about a 
very small subset of the JEE spec.  To be sure, there are interesting problems 
still to be solved within certain silos of JEE.  I can’t think of anything that 
would apply to the entire pantheon of JEE bits; imo TomEE is already focused on 
the sweet spot of JEE bits that are still relevant.  One is hard pressed to 
think of any JEE sub-system in Geronimo that is not already separate project. 
The reality is that Geronimo was an amalgam of OSS projects and the industry 
has preserved those JEE bits that are still relevant.  The "value add", in no 
small part, of Geronimo was the comprehensive testing of the JEE pantheon in 
toto via the TCK.

Given that we cannot use a reasonably current JEE TCK, the project is prevented 
from engaging in a role of JEE-commons of sorts.  Frankly, even if we were to 
get the current JEE TCK, nobody really cares anymore and, as I mentioned above, 
the interesting JEE bits are already being worked on elsewhere with their own 
specific TCKs.

The size and age of the codebase makes it virtually impenetrable.  When one 
precludes spec commits, I think the last real commit has been about a half a 
decade ago; I wouldn’t be surprised if it was longer.  I personally have been 
knee deep in it recently but find spelunking through it very daunting.  I’d 
rather spend any free time I have in some greenfield endeavor.

I’m certain that other project members and passersby are of the same mind.  
Since I have such little time to do greenfield coding, I have even less time to 
mentor someone who is interested in tinkering with the code base.  I’ve no 
doubt that others are of the same mind on this as well; witness the dearth of 
replies to inquiries on this list.

There is a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in this project.  I, for one, am 
honored to have been able to work with the world’s brightest coders on the 
planet.  I have a lot of great memories, and hangovers, of our once vibrant 
community and it’s very hard for me to start this thread.  I think we should 
shutdown.  If anyone had a real interest in any kind of resurrection it would 
have happened by now.  

If we have consensus on moving to the Attic, I will start a vote.  How things 
are “wound down” will be discussed in a separate thread, soon to follow. 

Alan Cabrera
V.P. Apache Geronimo

P.S.  Please resist the urge hop in and administer CPR.  Before jumping on the 
table, be brutally honest and ask yourself if you are operating on actionable 
facts, or fond well earned memories.

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