Ah.  My intention was a +1 would mean "We should create new JWT module in 
Geronimo now, regardless of what TomEE is discussing."

Not "can we ever" in a general sense, but should we do it right now.

If someone would like to wait a bit longer, they should not vote +1.  It could 
still happen later of course.


> On Mar 18, 2018, at 7:32 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org> wrote:
> Just to make sure I understand.  a +1 on this to me means there may be a 
> module created in geronimo.  Maybe not.  But either way it shouldn't stop 
> what TomEE is doing.
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 8:59 PM David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My vote would be -0 and I hesitate even for a negative anything.
> I think the "Geronimo will do it anyway, collaborate or not" perspective 
> feels a bit like an ultimatum.  That said, if people truly do want to move on 
> regardless of what happens in TomEE, that's exactly what should happen.
> I feel strongly that a project should not be obstructed by other projects who 
> feel ownership over an domain, be forced to collaborate, or otherwise be 
> stopped in their tracks.
> Here's how I'd like my vote read:
>  - Waiting to see what TomEE decides or creates would be ideal in my mind, 
> but not necessary if there is support for moving forward
>  - I wouldn't help, but I wouldn't stand in the way
>  - I continue to have reservations naming reusable components after a dead 
> app server.  I managed to have all my best efforts remain perfectly invisible 
> under the name "OpenEJB" and "EJB."  If people want to put effort into 
> reforming the 15 year-old Geronimo brand, they are welcome to do so, but I 
> can't sign up for that again.  I can't pretend this isn't a significant 
> obstacle.
>  - I continue to feel we'd be stronger together (TomEE and Geronimo).  With 
> these false lines making everyone have to get commit twice and hiding our 
> best work under a dead website and brand, we aren't getting the strength and 
> speed we need.
> As long as I feel understood, not pushed into doing something I don't want to 
> do, I'm more than happy.
> -David
> > On Mar 18, 2018, at 5:05 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Two votes are up in the TomEE community on what to do with PR #123 ( 
> > https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/123 ).  The first vote is if TomEE 
> > should merge it.  The second vote is if TomEE should attempt to extract it.
> >
> > It was said 3-4 times in the discussion between both communities "geronimo 
> > will have a jwt-auth impl."  This is absolutely ok, there is no rule that 
> > two projects cannot do the same or similar thing.  Apache Tamaya exists and 
> > there is a Geronimo Config, both aim at MicroProfile Config compliance.  
> > This is OK by ASF standards and one community is not judged good or bad for 
> > choosing to also implement something.
> >
> > That said, decisions like this should be made by the project clearly.  Some 
> > people may want to move ahead now.  Some people may want to wait and see 
> > how things go with TomEE.
> >
> > Vote: Move ahead with creating a reusable JWT module
> >
> > +1 Let's get on this, now.  There may be two impls, but that's ok.
> > -+0
> > -1 Let's wait / maybe later / other
> >
> >
> > -David
> >

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