Hi everyone, As part of The ASF’s 25th anniversary campaign[1], we will be celebrating projects and communities in multiple ways.
We invite all projects and contributors to participate in the following ways: * Individuals - submit your first contribution: https://news.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-asf-launches-firstasfcontribution-campaign * Projects - share your public good story: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vuN-tUnBwpTgOE5xj3Z5AG1hsOoDNLBmGIqQHwQT6k8/viewform?edit_requested=true * Projects - submit a project spotlight for the blog: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=278466116 * Projects - contact the Voice of Apache podcast (formerly Feathercast) to be featured: https://feathercast.apache.org/help/ * Projects - use the 25th anniversary template and the #ASF25Years hashtag on social media: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oDbMol3F_XQuCmttPYxBIOIjRuRBksUjDApjd8Ve3L8/edit#slide=id.g26b0919956e_0_13 If you have questions, email the Marketing & Publicity team at mark...@apache.org. Peace, BKP [1] https://apache.org/asf25years/ [NOTE: You are receiving this message because you are a contributor to an Apache Software Foundation project. The ASF will very occasionally send out messages relating to the Foundation to contributors and members, such as this one.] Brian Proffitt VP, Marketing & Publicity VP, Conferences