Hello. I am a developer who is working on giraph 1.1.0-rc0 with hadoop
I have some questions on giraph.

1. Is there any plan for supporting hadoop 2.5.x?

According to pom.xml, currently the default version of hadoop for hadoop2
profile seems like 2.2.0. Is there any plan to upgrade it to 2.5.x? I have
searched jira about this issue, but I could not find any.

2. Compilation problem with Hadoop 2.5.x

This question is related to above one. I found that when building giraph
1.1.0-rc0 with hadoop 2.5.1, a compilation error occurs. It is related to
HADOOP-10451[^1], which was applied to hadoop 2.5.0. By making some fixes,
I succeeded to build it. If I can, I hope to report this issue and submit
patch but I am a newbie in giraph-dev so I don't know what can I do.

Is there someone who can help me?

Thanks in advance,
Dongin Lee

[^1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-10451

*Dongjin Lee*

*Oracle Server Technologies Group.So interested in massive-scale machine
learning.facebook: www.facebook.com/dongjin.lee.kr
<http://github.com/dongjinleekr>twitter: www.twitter.com/dongjinleekr

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