Hi guys, i'm Jose from La plata, Argentina.

I'm working on my bachelor's thesis using Giraph, and i'm seeing a strange
behaviour when Giraph send messages.

I'm using the method sendMessagesToAllEdges, because i'm working with a BFS
algorithm, so i don't need anything before sending a message, just send
through all of every vertex edges.

I'm working with a input in Giraph, that has a edge entirely in lowercase,
but the vertex has the first letter in uppercase. I get this input from a
wikiquotes dump and adapted it for Giraph.

For example, i have a vertex called "Lord Byron". This vertex has an edge
with "ron" (note the first letter in lowercase). I don't have a vertex with
a "ron" id, but i do have one with "Ron" id (first letter uppercased).

I was expecting that Giraph gives me some type of error, but what happens
is that the vertex "Ron" receives only one empty message (a string like
""), when in my case i had two vertex with three messages in total, that
were sent to the ron/Ron vertex.

This is the expected behaviour? Maybe i'm missing something here.

Thanks for reading.

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