Hi Board@,
+The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and +persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key +value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with +extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support. + +Project Releases + +The last release of Gora (0.5) was on 20th September, 2014. + +Overall Project Activity since last report + +Consistent and encouraging. We see most activity happening +on the dev@ list which is normal. Additionally since the 0.5 +release we've seen a number of communities that depend on +Gora upgrade. We've seen a number of issues identified +in use of Gora downstream and reported back to us. This is +encouraging meaning that more people are adopting the software. +Work is ongoing to have Gora implemented within Apache +OODT as an object-to-datestore abstraction for the OODT +FileManager component. + +When were the last committers or PMC members elected? + +Damien Raude-Morvan was elected as PMC member and committer +on 2014-08-03 (yyyy-mm-dd). + +How has the community developed since the last report? + +We have recently seen users of Gora within the Apache Giraph +community coming to our user@ list. This follows upgrade of +the giraph-gora component to the new 0.5 release. + +Mailing list members are as follows +user@: from 64 --> 64 +dev@: from 74 --> 73 +commits@ from 27 --> 25 + +Changes to PMC & Committers + +Nothing to report + +PMC and Committer diversity + +We currently have committers from a wide variety of Apache projects +including, Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo, Whirr, Hadoop, +Any23, Climate & HBase (this is not an exhaustive list). We also have +committers from many other projects outside of Apache. -- ` : : , : #+` . ,,` , ` ;##` .`,. ;;;;;;':;` `` ##@. ;.;: ,;+;;;';;';;';'` ```,###: .,;; +;;';;;;';;+;;;';;` ```#+##'``;+ '';;;';;;;';;';;;';;;` ```,##+#@:: ''';';;';+;;';;;;;;':::+: ```.#####'';';+;;';;;;;';';;';;';;':,;: ````'#+#+#';';''';;';;;;;';;';;';;;;;':: ;;:';,######''''''';'';;';';;'';;;'::';;;':.``` `.,;;;;`;;;+####+';'';;';';;;;';;';;;';;'::';;:;';;;:: :`,.,.`:;;;;';+#####+;;''';';;;;';';';;';;';;';;;'::;';:;. .`..;,:`';;';';;;'+#####+';;''+';;';:';;;;';;';;;;;';;;':::;,:` ` ,`:. ;;;';';;;;;;;++#####+'';''';';;;;';;;;;;;;+;;';;';::';';;:.. ` `` ;;;';';;;;;';';;'+#######+';';';;;;';;';;';;';;';;;';;',:;;;;. ` ` `;:;;';;;;;';';;;;;;;'########+;';';;';;';;';;';;'';;';;;;;';::; `.;,:::;::;';';;;;;;;;;;'#####+####+'';;;;';;';;;'';+;;;;';:::''::;;..: ```:,'::,;';;;;;;;;;';;;';;;''##########+++'';;';;';;;'';;;;';;':,,,:.:,.` ```..::,;';:;;;;;';';';;;';';';';'''++###########+'+;';;;';;;';;:;.:..:.., ````,;;:;:;;;;;';';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;';''++##########+++;;;;.:..:.,....; ` `.``,,:,';;::;;::';';;;;;;;';';;';';;';';;';;';';';'++#+###@#++:...,,.;:. `````:.';.,;;',,;;;';';;;;;;';;':;;;';';;';;';';';;';;;''.:,:.,:'#@'::, ```````.:,';;.::':';';',;;;';;':;;;;;';;';;';;;';;';'';;.;.,.:..,:.:: ``````````:::',:;';;,:;;',:';';;':';;;;;';;;';;'::';;;,..,.,.,:+` `````.````````.:'+:';;',;';,:;:';;;,,';::,';;',,';;.:.:;,```` ``````````````````,.';;:':,;:;,,:;:::``````..````,:,`` ````````````````````````````````````````:`;;` `````````````````` : ,:` http://people.apache.org/~lewismc || @hectorMcSpector || http://www.linkedin.com/in/lmcgibbney Apache Gora V.P || Apache Nutch PMC || Apache Any23 V.P || Apache OODT PMC || Apache Open Climate Workbench PMC || Apache Tika PMC || Apache TAC || Apache Usergrid (incubating)