Hi Folks, As our RESOLUTION is now agreed upon within the community and submitted to the Board for approval. I wanted to drop a few ideas which will hopefully kickstart some new project activity and usage. We've been building a rich suite of modules which not only enable flexible object-to-datastore mapping solutions but also data analysis (Hadoop, Spark, Flink) and data warehouse query execution (Pig). I wanted however for us to consider where Gora could be used around the rich spectrum of projects at the ASF. So far we've built Gora into Nutch 2.X branch (which will soon be retired), Camel (which needs updated), Giraph (which needs updated) and Chukwa (which needs updated). The above is a pretty nice roster of Apache projects which consume Gora but I think we should engage those communities again and update everywhere we can. It would also be my intention for this thread to act as a bulletin board for ideas of where Gora could be embedded in other projects. I'll leave it there for now. Lewis
-- http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/ http://people.apache.org/keys/committer/lewismc