
Welcome to Apache Gora!.

Response inline.


El mié., 7 oct. 2020 a las 22:47, gabriela ortiz (<arqgabyor...@gmail.com>)

> Hi all.
> I am Gaby Ortiz and my initial application for the Outreach program was
> accepted today. I was checking out the projects list and this project seems
> to be a good fit for my knowledge background. I studied software
> engineering a couple years ago and in my final project at the University I
> worked with graph databases such as Jena TDB, Virtuoso and GraphDB for a
> Linked Data project. I was checking out Neo4j and the basic concepts are
> the same, then I would like to apply for this project. I have experience
> working with the Java programming language and related tools such as maven,
> gradle, testcontainers, etc. And I am familiar with NoSQL databases
> (especially graph-based).
That's great that you have some experience with these technologies.

> I was wondering which should be my next steps?. I saw a list of warm-up
> tasks in the Outreachy platform, how can I be assigned one of those tasks
> in order to get started with Apache Gora?. Do you have suggestions or
> guidelines that I should consider before applying for this project?
Yes, you have to submit at least one contribution in this period. You can
choose one of that list, or you can pick one up from Jira. Please make sure
that you comment on the Jira issue, so the mentors and other applicants
know that you are working on that.

But, first get started with Apache Gora, download the code, set up your
development environment, read the documentation. I left some resources at
the end of this wiki that can help you.


> I saw many communication channels in the project description: jira,
> github, wiki, mailing list, and personal emails of the mentors. I was
> wondering how should I contact you?. The Outreachy documentation says "..
> contact the mentor on public community channels as much as possible." so I
> am writing to the public developers mailing list, is it ok with you?.
Yep, it is fine. A public channel is generally the best option, the other
mentors or developers can contribute. But, if you want to ask something in
private you can send email to personal accounts.

> Thanks,
> Gaby

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