Hey guys,

while working on the gradle native support I've noticed some issues with
incremental builds.

I've added an implementation of the
AbstractLanguageIncrementalBuildIntegrationTest For ObjectiveC and
Objective-CPP, which works without problems with gcc and with clang on
osx, but I noticed randomly failing tests when using clang on ubuntu.
After some digging I noticed that the generated object files can differ,
even when created from exactly the same sources/flags.

When comparing the according assembler code, I see that the address
space is chosen randomly (see. diff here: http://pastebin.com/uY1LERGX).
This behavior comes from a security feature called ASLR (Address space
layout randomization). Toget our tests to pass on every invocation, I
needed to disable ASLR by globally configuring it through
/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space  (0 for disabling, 2 for enabling, 1
for "conservative randomization) or by disabling it locally via ">
setarch `uname -m` -R /bin/bash".

So, ASLR breaks our incremental builds because the generated object
files can differ.

I havn't yet figured out why ASLR currently does not affect our c / c++
integration tests with clang. There are also a bunch of raised bugs that
prevents/prevented llvm to be complete deterministic. Some of them were
already solved in newer llvm versions. To get the incremental build
running we would need to be able to disable ASLR in our native
toolchains. Of course this comes with the cost of less secure output
that ASLR introduced.

I see 3 options at the moment:

- don't deal with ASLR at all with the cost of possibly loosing
incremental build support.
- always disable ASLR if possible to have deterministic builds (with the
cost of loosing ASLR introduced security).
- model this in our toolchains to allow enabling/disabling ASLR support.


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