I've started this as a new topic, instead of continuing "javascript
(nashorn) build script engine for gradle", given that the scope has changed
significantly from the original post.

I have set up an experimental plugin for the generalized javascript support
at https://github.com/momentumjs/gradle-jsengine-plugin. We can
relocate/rename stuff as desired once its a bit more stable, but please
feel free to comment, review, raise issues or PR if you're interested.

So far there's not much. I've put together a proof of concept for
javascript engine discovery. This is the equivalent of the native toolchain
functionality for javascript.

The default behavior is that available engines are ordered by ECMAScript
standards version, then by engine version. So a script which specifies that
it needs Rhino will use the latest Rhino. A script which can use any engine
would choose Nashorn over Rhino on the basis that it is ECMAScript 5.1
instead of 5 (if Nashorn is available). This seems the most natural
ordering, given that engines don't have an objective 'awesomeness' score.
But of course it could this could be modified by plugins. Engines might
also be filtered according to if a task needs specific features e.g. the
ability to compile to bytecode on disk, but I haven't gotten to this yet.

Next I'm going to look at the concept of javascript applications. These
will have engine requirements, equivalent to the "engines" section of a
package.json file. Indeed, I have it in mind that we should be able to
determine the appropriate engine to use from package.json files in future.

I'll report back when there is a basic "run" task. Then the plugin will
actually do something ;-)


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