Hi Alex,

can't you just get BasicGradleProject instance (from GradleBuild) and call


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Alex Ruiz <alr...@google.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> We have discovered a serious bug in Android Studio (and IDEA.) When
> importing a Gradle project, IDEA tries to find the root directory of the
> Gradle project this way:
> 1. gets the GradleScript from the GradleProject
> 2. if GradleScript.getSourceFile() is not null, it assumes the parent
> java.io.File of the build.gradle file is the root directory of the
> GradleProject
> 3. otherwise, it "deduces" the physical path from the logical path
> (GradleProject#getPath())
> This is completely broken for Gradle projects that do not have a
> build.gradle file and GradleProject#getPath is not the same as the path in
> the file system. For example:
> include ':app'
> project(':app').projectDir = new File(rootDir, 'test/app')
> Can you please expose the project's physical path in GradleProject? That
> would make it really easy to solve the issue in IDEA. It would be great to
> have this in 1.12 :-)
> Many thanks,
> -Alex

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