I'm not sure if this question belongs in the forum or here, but I'll start here since I have a hunch that what I'm asking wont be trivial and might require extending the tooling api. A little context first:Use Case: Running test from gradle project and show tests inline in editor1) I open a test file (spock, junit). - Light Table recognizes that the file is a (gradle) test and visually indicates this to the user - I'm guessing this should be possible through a custom model by getting hold of a list of test source directories and associated include/exclude patterns2) I invoke a Light Table command to run the test - Light table through the plugin invokes a gradle task (custom ?) to execute the test in question - Gradle reports generic progress through the tooling api (typically if it has to resolve dependencies, run other tasks first etc) - Gradle reports test progress (akin to the TestListener), through the tooling api (somehow)- Light Table displays results inline in the editor for the test -- Showing ok, fail, error for each test. Ideally showing errors at correct line number
a) What would be possible to achieve with the current tooling api ?b) How would I go about exposing something like a test listener through the current tooling api if at all possible ? cheersMagnus