
I’ve been testing ComponentSelection with 2.2-20140831220010+0000, and it
mostly works, except I don’t get all the candidates that I’d expect to get.

I'd like to be able to select a version of a dependency that was built from
a specific branch. Following a suggestion from Adam, by using the new
ivy-publish plugin, I put some informationin the ivy.xml about the current
branch, and the list of other branches that were available during build:

  <info organisation="com.prezi.test.target" module="boxfish-test-target"
branch="master" revision="1.0-3-g1761154" status="integration" publication=
    <ns:branches xmlns:ns="http://prezi.com/gradle/boxfish";

I set up a test project, and published a few versions of it from two
different branches, trying to simulate how things would work in real life.
Here are the versions in the order they were published:

   - 1.0-8-gf0590b3 from test-branch
   - 1.0-3-g1761154 from master
   - 1.0-9-g14ae9b9 from test-branch
   - 1.0-4-g4b991e5 from master
   - 1.0-10-g5ee4b9a from test-branch

I created another project that depends on version "1.+" of my test project.
To can track which versions are tried as candidates, I added this to the

RuleAction<ComponentSelection>() {
public List<Class<?>> getInputTypes() {
return Arrays.<Class<?>> asList(IvyModuleDescriptor.class);

public void execute(ComponentSelection subject, List<?> inputs) {
IvyModuleDescriptor ivyDescriptor = (IvyModuleDescriptor) inputs.get(0);
* logger.info <http://logger.info>("Branch is {}",
for (Map.Entry<QName, String> entry :
ivyDescriptor.getExtraInfo().asMap().entrySet()) {
* logger.info <http://logger.info>("{} = {}", entry.getKey(),
* subject.reject("Because we can");*

After running `gradle build` I expected to see all of the versions of my
test project printed, but I only got a few of them:

Cached resource is up-to-date (lastModified: Mon Sep 01 19:54:25 CEST
2014). [HTTP:

Resource missing. [HTTP GET:

Selected primary task 'build' from project :

Branch is test-branch

{http://prezi.com/gradle/boxfish}branches = master,test-branch

Selection of 'com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.0-10-g5ee4b9a'
rejected by component selection rule: Because we can

Branch is test-branch

{http://prezi.com/gradle/boxfish}branches = master,test-branch

Selection of 'com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.0-9-g14ae9b9'
rejected by component selection rule: Because we can

Branch is test-branch

{http://prezi.com/gradle/boxfish}branches = master,test-branch

Selection of 'com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.0-8-gf0590b3'
rejected by component selection rule: Because we can

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':modules'.

> Could not resolve com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.+.

  Required by:


   > This module has not been resolved.

After this I published 1.0-13-g3b3374a from master, and now only that
single version is tried as candidate:


Resource missing. [HTTP GET:

Selected primary task 'build' from project :

Branch is master

{http://prezi.com/gradle/boxfish}branches = master,test-branch

Selection of 'com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.0-13-g3b3374a'
rejected by component selection rule: Because we can

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':modules'.

> Could not resolve com.prezi.test.target:boxfish-test-target:1.+.

  Required by:


   > This module has not been resolved.

How does Gradle decide which versions to offer as candidates for a certain


*Pinter Lorant*
Developer at Prezi <http://prezi.com>

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