Hi 记史,

            In our solution this version, griffin persist the metrics in 
elasticsearch, which means you need an extra es server, you can get an official 
docker of es to try.

            In ES_SERVER = "http://<your IP>:9200", <your IP> means the ip 
address of es server. And you also need to configure the es server address to 
persist metrics calculated by griffin in env.json, which is one of the measure 
module input config file.



Lionel, Liu


Lionel, Liu

在 2017-11-29 16:14:14,"记 史" <zake...@outlook.com> 写道:
>I try to deploy Griffin in CentOS 7 in VM.
>Before I doing this , CentOS 7 allready install CDH 5.7.6
>I follow the README.md ,confused with :
>ES_SERVER = "http://<your IP>:9200"
>Could you give me some advice
>发送自 Windows 10 版邮件<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>应用

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