Hi Karan,

It looks good to me, but maybe a little issue.
In the before, we use "evaluateRule" as the field name, but modified to "
evaluate.rule" later. You need to check it in the code you are using, as
this part:

If this can not solve your issue, pls show me the application log.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 2:38 PM, Karan Gupta <karan.gu...@tavant.com> wrote:

> Hi Lionel,
> I created a custom config.json and defined a custom rule to run<dsl.type
> is spark-sql> and submitted it through spark. The spark submit runs fine
> without any issues. On HDFS, I could see the directory with the custom rule
> name but I am unable to see the _METRIC file where the results will be
> persisted, I only see a _START file. What am I missing here?
> HDFS -> ../persist/CheckAlphaNumeric/1527143022495/_START
> Config.json ->
> {
>   "name": "CheckAlphaNumeric",
>   "process.type": "batch",
>   "data.sources": [
>     {
>       "name": "src",
>       "connectors": [
>         {
>           "type": "hive",
>           "version": "1.2",
>           "config": {
>             "database": "griffined",
>             "table.name": "check_table"
>           }
>         }
>       ]
>     }
>   ],
>   "evaluateRule": {
>     "rules": [
>       {
>         "dsl.type": "spark-sql",
>         "dq.type": "profiling",
>         "name": "checkalphnumeric",
>         "rule": "SELECT count(name) FROM src WHERE name REGEXP
> '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'",
>         "metric": {
>         "name": "check_rules"
>           }
>         }
>     ]
>   }
> }
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