+1 👏

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> On 11 Mar 2016, at 11:11, Guillaume Laforge <glafo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> By the way, I had a question (unrelated to the below thread, but related to 
> the grammar) :-)
> Do you keep the comment information?
> It's something we've always said we should support, and it would tremendously 
> help making a less hackish groovydoc tool.
> Having AST nodes for JavaDoc comments would really be great.
> Guillaume
>> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Jesper Steen Møller <jes...@selskabet.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Groovy-Dev
>> Here’s another update on the progress on the Antlr4 parser, as maintained on 
>> https://github.com/jespersm/groovy.git (in the antlr4 branch).
>> To play with it, try:
>> $ git clone -b antlr4 https://jespe...@github.com/jespersm/groovy.git
>> $ cd groovy
>> $ gradle -PuseAntlr4=true console
>> I’ve fixed a number of issues:
>> Support method pointer operator
>> Attributes/method/property names as strings/gstrings
>> Real support for unary plus and minus (mimics old parser’s behaviour)
>> Compilation units not ending with semicolon or newline
>> Slashy strings could span lines, confusing division statements and comments
>> I can now explore the new grammar and AST building using the Console, which 
>> is fun, but it’s very easy to find unsupported constructs. Mapping out the 
>> full Groovy grammar from the documentation alone is quite a task. Just 
>> today, I discovered lacking support for ‘assert’ and for ’super’-calls. The 
>> smaller issues currently are:
>> assert
>> super()
>> Full Unicode letter support  for identifiers
>> Support identifiers as property names and map literal entry names
>> The bigger issue is with converting the ASTBuilder to pure Java, a task I 
>> havn’t started yet. Actually, this poses a different question for AST 
>> generation: Whether to switch from tree-walking the parse tree (so whole 
>> tree must be kept in memory), to the listener-based approach, where the AST 
>> is built mostly bottom-up, ensuring smaller memory footprint.
>> So you can help me with a couple of answers:
>> Memory: Is this an issue I should be focusing on — and is there a test to 
>> baseline against?
>> I’ve discovered a small issue with unary syntax. Currently, nested unary 
>> expressions are not supported without parenthesis: Try e.g. - -1 or + -1. Is 
>> this intentional, or just an artifact of the precedence-refactored Java 
>> grammar?
>> -Jesper
> -- 
> Guillaume Laforge
> Apache Groovy committer & PMC Vice-President
> Product Ninja & Advocate at Restlet
> Blog: http://glaforge.appspot.com/
> Social: @glaforge / Google+

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