On 12/30/2016 07:25 AM, Paul King wrote:
> Dear community,
> I am happy to start the VOTE thread for a Groovy 2.4.8 release!
> This release includes 82 bug fixes/improvements as outlined in the changelog:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12318123&version=12335950
> Tag: 
> https://git1-us-west.apache.org/repos/asf?p=groovy.git;a=tag;h=refs/tags/GROOVY_2_4_8
> Tag commit id: 0911b621d2b9eb9de1edc4743dc12ee0b201db5f

I'm unable to run `./gradlew build` (tried both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK 1.8).

    $ ./gradew build --info
org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.ApiGroovyCompiler@10231748 in
compiler daemon.
    Compiling with JDK Java compiler API.
    warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with
-source 1.6
    warning: Implicitly compiled files were not subject to annotation
      Use -proc:none to disable annotation processing or -implicit to
specify a policy for implicit compilation.
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    1 warning
    Exception executing
org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.ApiGroovyCompiler@10231748 in
compiler daemon: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
    :compileTestGroovy FAILED
    :compileTestGroovy (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took
15.289 secs.

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':compileTestGroovy'.

    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with
--debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 28.546 secs
    Stopped 1 compiler daemon(s).

What could I be missing?

Bahman Movaqar

http://BahmanM.com - https://twitter.com/bahman__m
https://github.com/bahmanm - https://gist.github.com/bahmanm
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