I made a change to split the "Community" section of the website into
"Support" and "Contribute". This is in prep for the "Contribute" part
living on groovy.apache.org. Part of my change seems to be in place but
another part seems to be waiting on a gitpubsub trigger which doesn't seem
to have happened yet.

For the stuff you can see, the same content as existed before should still
be there - just slightly rearranged. Let me know if anything looks out of

For the short-term you can find the missing page here:


It has been manually copied into:


with some manual tweaks - but the goal will be to automate all steps.

Cheers, Paul.
P.S. The bulk of the groovy-lang.org site is still remotely hosted. The
split is a step towards moving it onto ASF infrastructure (with the same

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