+1 (binding).

Build successful: https://scans.gradle.com/s/raolpvm3dk5cm

Checksum ok:

> cat apache-groovy-src-2.5.0-beta-3.zip.sha256
> sha256sum -b apache-groovy-src-2.5.0-beta-3.zip

Signature ok:

> gpg --verify apache-groovy-src-2.5.0-beta-3.zip.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in `apache-groovy-src-2.5.0-beta-3.zip'
gpg: Signature made Tue 20 Feb 2018 05:25:50 AM CET using RSA key ID
gpg: Good signature from "Paul King <pa...@apache.org>"
gpg:                 aka "Paul King <pa...@asert.com.au>"
gpg:                 aka "Paul King <paul.king.as...@gmail.com>"
gpg:                 aka "Paul King <ki...@ociweb.com>"
gpg:                 aka "keybase.io/paulk_asert <paulk_as...@keybase.io>"

2018-02-20 6:36 GMT+01:00 Paul King <pa...@asert.com.au>:

> Dear development community,
> I am happy to start the VOTE thread for a Groovy 2.5.0-beta-3 release!
> There are still a few things we plan to work on before the final release
> but
> we anticipate this will be the last beta for the 2.5.0 release train. So
> we'd greatly
> appreciate as much testing as possible before we get the first RC ready
> shortly.
> This release includes 39 bug fixes/improvements as outlined in the
> changelog:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?
> projectId=12318123&version=12341721
> Tag: https://git1-us-west.apache.org/repos/asf?p=groovy.git;a=
> tag;h=refs/tags/GROOVY_2_5_0_BETA_3
> Tag commit id: 1f5ba16e86ebc2ed9146aab13304e316c812a838
> The artifacts to be voted on are located as follows (r25155).
> Source release: https://dist.apache.org/repos/
> dist/dev/groovy/2.5.0-beta-3/sources
> Convenience binaries: https://dist.apache.org/repos/
> dist/dev/groovy/2.5.0-beta-3/distribution
> (If building from the source zip, the bootstrapping details changed
> recently,
> make sure to read the README.adoc file to brush up on the details if
> needed.)
> Release artifacts are signed with a key from the following file:
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/groovy/KEYS
> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Groovy 2.5.0-beta-3.
> Reminder on ASF release approval requirements for PMC members:
> http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#release-approval
> Hints on validating checksums/signatures (but replace md5sum with
> sha256sum):
> https://www.apache.org/info/verification.html
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
> least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
> [ ] +1 Release Apache Groovy 2.5.0-beta-3
> [ ]  0 I don't have a strong opinion about this, but I assume it's ok
> [ ] -1 Do not release Apache Groovy 2.5.0-beta-3 because...
> Here is my vote:
> +1 (binding)

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