Thanks for checking, Marcin. For reference, stub generation takes long but
passes. It's really the semantic analysis which gets stuck somehow.

Le mer. 23 mai 2018 à 13:32, Marcin Erdmann <> a
écrit :

> Cedric,
> I've just pulled master then I got rid of all idea config files and build
> direcotries to start with a clean state:
> rm groovy.i*
> find . -name "*.iml" -type f | xargs rm -f
> ./gradlew clean
> Then I run the same command as you:
> ./gradlew jar idea --rerun-tasks
> Finally I opened the project in IntelliJ and tried rebuilding it (Build >
> Rebuild project). The fan is spinning like crazy, CPU usage is high and it
> seems to be stuck on "Groovy stub generator: initialization [tests of
> groovy-xml and 8 more]". After then killing the IDE and trying to
> run DownUpStepTest I'm seeing the same symptoms as you are - stuck in
> "Groovyc: semantic analysis [tests of groovy-xml and 8 more]" with CPU is
> not busy.
> For reference, I'm using IntelliJ 2018.1 181.4203.550.
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 8:02 PM, Cédric Champeau <
>> wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> I've been trying to figure out what is happening for hours now, but I
>> cannot find any reason. I'm working on master, after removing all IDEA
>> state (.iml, .ipr, .iws), regenerating the IDEA files using:
>> ./gradlew jar idea --rerun-tasks
>> And then I open the project in IDEA and try to run a unit test. But then
>> the IDE is stuck in "Groovyc: semantic analysis [tests of groovy-xml and 8
>> more]". CPU is not busy, nothing happens.
>> I thought it could be a CPU issue, so I increased the memory for the IDEA
>> compiler process, without success.
>> Any idea what could be going on? Am I the only one seeing this?

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