Hi Daniel,

We discussed this when we implemented static compilation in the past. There
were 2 different relates cases discussed:

- smarter type inference for final fields
- smarter type inference for final methods

and decided not to implement them, so that it's not confusing for users
when the compiler can infer a type in one case and not the other. We can
revisit the decision, just want to give more context. Basically, it's not
easy to realize that when you have a non final methods, subclasses can
override the method to return a different type.

Le mer. 5 sept. 2018 à 06:50, Daniel Sun <realblue...@hotmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
>       I am going to refine the type inference of method return value, the
> methods should match one of the following charactristics:
> 1) `final`
> 2) `private`
> 3) `static`
> 4)  method defined in Script
>       The above methods will not be overrided and have exact method return
> type.
>       Any thoughts?
>       P.S. Currently the following code will fail to compile, but it's
> obiviously valid.
> ```
> @groovy.transform.CompileStatic
> class Test {
>     static m() {
>         return 'abc'
>     }
>     static a() {
>         return m().length()
>     }
>     static void main(String[] args) {
>         assert 3 == a()
>     }
> }
> ```
> Cheers,
> Daniel.Sun
> --
> Sent from: http://groovy.329449.n5.nabble.com/Groovy-Dev-f372993.html

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