Hi Daniel,

I have no technical input, but I use @Lazy all the time, it's a great Groovy feature to avoid boilderplate code - so making it (internally) better sounds like a good idea, if it is not too much effort G-)


On 12/01/2020 13:34, Daniel.Sun wrote:
Hi all,

       I read an article[1] about the new features of Java 11 just now, and
find "JEP 309: Dynamic Class-File Constants"[2] can help us implement lazy
constants elegantly, e.g. `@Lazy static final Object SOME_LAZY_CONST =
<heavy lifts>`. The feature is very useful, so I propose to add *native*
support for lazy constants in some future version of Groovy.

       Any thoughts?

[2] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/309

Apache Groovy committer & PMC member
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