
I am using Java 11, Groovy.3.0.2 (just released, thank you!) using Intellij

And I get the following warning:

Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionUtils 
 to method java.lang.Object.clone()

Is this expected?

Jon Kerridge PhD FBCS FHEA CITP CEng
Emeritus Professor of Computing
School of Computing
Edinburgh Napier University
Merchiston Campus
10 Colinton Road
EH10 5DT

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul King <>
Sent: 08 March 2020 12:42
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Groovy 3.0.2 released


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Dear community,

The Apache Groovy team is pleased to announce version 3.0.2 of Apache Groovy.
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the JVM.
Further details can be found at the website.

This release is a maintenance release of the GROOVY_3_0_X branch.
It is strongly encouraged that all users using prior versions on this branch 
upgrade to this version.
Thanks for all the feedback. It is great to see how folks are using the new 
Groovy 3 features.
Keep the feedback coming!

This release includes 25 bug fixes/improvements as outlined in the changelog:

Sources, convenience binaries, downloadable documentation and an SDK bundle can 
be found at:
We recommend you verify your installation using the information on that page.

Jars are also available within the major binary repositories.

We welcome your help and feedback and in particular want to thank everyone who 
contributed to this release.

For more information on how to report problems, and to get involved, visit the 
project website at

Best regards,

The Apache Groovy team.
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