Hi all,

       Current groovy grammar of method call contains the following
ambiguities, which are odd for users. For example,

1) method call with closure argument. That means the closure on the next
line could be treated as argument of method `meth`
{ p ->

2) binary expression and closure expression. That means the closure is not
an argument.
a | meth
{ p ->

       I propose to unify the grammar of closure arguments: when closure
follows method name directly, it is an argument, otherwise it is just
standalone closure. For example,

3) method call with closure argument
meth { p ->

4) variable and closure
{ p ->

       Luckily, groovy-parser project containing source code of some famous
groovy projects, none of which are broken because of the proposed change[1].

       Here is a JIRA ticket[2] to track the proposed change, and here is
the PR[3] to implement the change.

       Any thoughts?

Daniel Sun
[1] https://github.com/danielsun1106/groovy-parser/commits/GROOVY-9484
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-9484
[3] https://github.com/apache/groovy/pull/1211

Apache Groovy committer & PMC member 
Blog: http://blog.sunlan.me 
Twitter: @daniel_sun 

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