On 27.07.20 18:13, MG wrote:
Continously reassigning to methodChosen  to itself once it has been set
(or in your code: Once it has acquired a value that is Groovy-true)
seems confusing & inelegant to me.

I am actually using this style quite often, because of a lack of good
alternatives. In the groovy code base you will find several places
looking like this:

foo = foo || m1()
foo = foo || m2()
foo = foo || m3()
foo = foo || m4()


foo = m1()
if (foo == null) foo = m2()
if (foo == null) foo = m3()
if (foo == null) foo = m4()

depending on if foo is a boolean or not

or if adjustArguments is an identity operation if the type argument is
null (to me it is more elegant if the doChooseMethod call appears only

def chooseMethod(String methodName,Object[] arguments) {
  def methodChosen = null
  [null, Character.TYPE,Integer.TYPE ].find{ methodChosen = 
doChooseMethod(methodName, adjustArguments(arguments, it))}
  if(methodChosen) {return methodChosen } else {throw new 
GroovyRuntimeException("$methodNamenot found") }

well, with the streams API:

return Stream.of(null,Character.TYPE,Integer.TYPE).
  map {doChooseMethod(methodName, adjustArguments(arguments, it)}.
  findFirst {it}.
  orElseThrow {new GroovyRuntimeException("$methodName not found")}

The key here being that map is not executed eager.

(Disclaimer: Dry programmed code again, so can contain stupid mistake(s))


bye Jochen

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