
I am running into a memory leak issue with Groovy. I am not sure this has been 
fixed in newer releases. I am on 2.5.3

* I compile my groovy files into a jar at compile time (I do not load 
* I then use this code to load my jar
        val classloader = 
        val clazz = classloader.loadClass("com.MyProcess.MyClass")
        val method = clazz.getMethod("myProcess", String::class.java)
        val instance = Guice.createInjector(GroovyModule()).getInstance(clazz)
        method.invoke(instance, "")
* If I run this in a loop 1000's of times and I profile it, I see that there 
are a lot of org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MetaMethodIndex$Entry 
entries in the heap
* This steadily increases my memory foot print
* I also noticed that if I dont create the class instance, but instead only 
load and unload the jar through a class loader, I dont see a memory leak
* This leads me to think that this piece of code auto injected in the 
constructor has something to do with it?
    public MyClass() {
        MetaClass var2 = this.$getStaticMetaClass();
        this.metaClass = var2;

Any help is appreciated. I dont use dynamic invocation so I have no use for 
this metaclass. I compile all my scripts statically


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