Hi folks,

I will be ready for a new Groovy 4 release shortly. I am interested in
folks' thoughts on records as they have gone through a few changes
recently (documented in [1], [2] and [3]) and there is a proposal[4]
for a few more enhancements.

There is a "copyWith" method (still undergoing some refactoring)
similar to the copy method in Scala and Kotlin which allows one record
to be defined in terms of another. It can be disabled if you really
must have Java-like records. The refactoring of that method hit a
slight glitch, so might not work if you grab the latest source but
should be fixed shortly.

    record Fruit(String name, double price) {}
    def apple = new Fruit('Apple', 11.6)
    assert apply.toString() == 'Fruit[name=Apple, price=11.6]'
    def orange = apple.copyWith(name: 'Orange')
    assert orange.toString() == 'Fruit[name=Orange, price=11.6]'

There is a "getAt(int)" method to return e.g. the first component with
myRecord[0] following similar Groovy conventions for other aggregates.
This is mostly targeted at dynamic Groovy as it conveys no typing
information. Similarly, there is a "toList" (current name but
suggestions welcome) method which returns a Tuple (which is also a
list) to return all of the components (again with typing information).

    record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
    def p = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
    assert p[0] == 100
    assert p[1] == 200
    assert p[2] == 'green'
    def (x, y, c) = p.toList()
    assert x == 100
    assert y == 200
    assert c == 'green'

There is also an optional (turned on by an annotation attribute)
"components" method which returns all components as a typed tuple,
e.g. Tuple1, Tuple2, etc. This is useful for Groovy's static nature
and is automatically handled by current destructuring (see the tests
in the PR). The limitation is that we currently only go to Tuple16
with our tuple types - which is why I made it disabled by default.

    record Point(int x, int y, String color) { }

    def method() {
        def p1 = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
        def (int x1, int y1, String c1) = p1.components()
        assert x1 == 100
        assert y1 == 200
        assert c1 == 'green'

        def p2 = new Point(10, 20, 'blue')
        def (x2, y2, c2) = p2.components()
        assert x2 * 10 == 100
        assert y2 ** 2 == 400
        assert c2.toUpperCase() == 'BLUE'

An alternative would be to follow Kotlin's approach and just have
typed methods like "component1", "component2", etc. We might want to
follow that convention or we might want to follow our TupleN naming,
e.g. "getV1", "getV2", etc. We would need to augment the Groovy
runtime and type checker to know about records if we wanted to support
destructuring but we could avoid the "toList" method and "components"
method with its size limitation if we did add such support.

Any feedback welcome,

Cheers, Paul.
P.S. Records are an incubating feature - hence may change in backwards
incompatible ways, particularly until we hit Groovy 4 final.

[1] https://github.com/apache/groovy/blob/master/src/spec/doc/_records.adoc
[4] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-10338

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