Den 2021-11-18 22:47, skrev MG:
If you want to voluntarily mix Date and DateTime in your application...
I certainly don't!But that's what sparked this discussion, isn't? Otherwise there would be no pears and apples to compare in the first place, would there?
I think we made our points, I suggest we wait what Mr. Groovy (aka Paul) has to say, who might easily shoot this down with an argument no one has yet considered... G-)
Certainly! Let's! ;-) BR;H2
On 18/11/2021 20:40, wrote:Well, one example: A campaign price is valid for the duration of January 2022.In terms of LocalDate, this could be expressed as from 2022-01-01 (inclusive) to 2022-01-31 (inclusive).In terms of LocalDateTime, this could be expressed as from 2022-01-01 at midnight (inclusive) to 2022-02-01 at midnight (exclusive).Note the difference with the to-date being inclusive while the to-datetime being exclusive.This makes sense because a date has a resolution of one day and thus contains all times within that day.Yes, one could argue, but then again - ask a user who might define such a campaign price's valid period what is "right" for them, and try to explain why it has to be different (i.e. inclusive/exclusive because of code concerns.BR;H2 Den 2021-11-18 17:42, skrev MG:A day, year, etc is evidently never equal to an actual point in time, since it is an interval. The question for me is: Can we convert the Date to a DateTime so that it has an ordering which ishelpful/meaningful in practice, without inviting unexpected bugs etc ?So what concrete scenario do you see where the implicit attaching of 00:00:00 to a Date for the sake of comparison: 1. Leads to a program error in a practical scenario (i.e. notconstructed and not for applications which control their data typesand should evidently go DateTime all the way) ?2. Leads to an unexpected result, i.e. "does not work for the developeror user" ? You might assume I am dead set on getting this into Groovy, but that is not the case. It is just that the counter arguments I have seen to this point seemed quite weak to me, so I have taken the position toargue for it (wich is the direction I am leaning to) - but convince meotherwise (saying "it is just wrong on principal" won't do that,though, unless I buy into your principle, which I oftend do not, sincefor me what is relevant is mostly whether it works in practice). Cheers, mg PS: The "filling with zeroes" was a fluff comment - that's why it is in brackets and has an according smiley at the end ;-) On 18/11/2021 16:25, wrote:Hi! Yes, I got that, but step 1 breaks it IMHO.It' just as wrong as assuming that a year is equivalent to New Year's Day that year (at midnight, even).Filling up with zeroes works when comparing integer numbers with real numbers, but that's about it.For one thing, the integer / real number comparison works both ways. The same cannot be said about LocalDateTime and LocalDate.Sorry... BR;H2 Den 2021-11-18 16:01, skrev MG:1. Implicitly attach Time to Date 2. Fill Time with zeroes 3. There you go On 18/11/2021 15:45, wrote:Re. 5: But there is nothing to fill up with zeroes... BR;H2 Den 2021-11-18 15:11, skrev MG:I don't think that is correct: Time intervals for days, etc alwaysneed to be chosen so they are overlap free*, i.e. mathematicallyspeaking the interval is closed on one end and open on the other, withthe start of the next interval being the end of the last: [t0,t1[ , [t1,t2[ , ... For finite resolution (i.e. computers; assuming 3 didgits ofmillisecond precision) and the example of 1 day as interval length,this would mean that the interval of a day looks like: [date 00:00:00.000, date 23:59:59.999] or [date 00:00:00.000, date+1 00:00:00.000[ To sum up:1. I have used the convention to chose the start of the interval to be closed, and the end to be open (i.e. t0 is in the interval, whereast1 is not), which I have encountered time and time again, and therefore assume to be widely used.2. Using midnight of the following day only makes sense if you invert the open-closed end of the interval, which as I said to me is quiteunusal.3. Using an application dependent time such as 21:00, 23:00, 01:00,02:00 or 08:00 (because that is "when the backup runs or hasfinished") is certainly something which no one can expect to be theconvention in a generally used language, and would imho be aterrible idea (apart from the fact that there is no concept on how to choose one over the other). It would also violate the sort order of Date with DateTime, in the most unexpected way. Applications thatwant/need that will have to use DateTime throughout. 4. As I have said, the only other implicit time I would considerslightly viable is noon, but as far as least surprise, sort order behavior, etc goes, using the start of the day is imho the singularchoice.5. (Using 00:00:00.000 also follows the time honored IT convention of "filling things up with zeroes", if not explicitly told differently;-) ) Cheers, mg*Otherwise a point in time could be in more than one interval (e.g.belong to more than one day). On 18/11/2021 14:22, Jochen Theodorou wrote:On 17.11.21 20:28, MG wrote: [...]3. I have never encountered any other assumption than the one that a Date carries the implicit time of midnight (00:00:00.000...). What other time would one logically pick, given that time intervals are by convention typically closed on the left and open on the right ?But you have here already trouble. you can take the start of the day, or the end of the day. both is midnight, both based on the same date, but they are basically 24h apart. In my last project we mostly used end of the day for example. And in some parts actually 2:00 in the morning, because it is the time to run after some processes... which did notproof to be a good idea btw. bye Jochen