On 18.11.21 15:10, Alessio Stalla wrote:
Dates are not something to mess with lightheartedly. All kinds of weird
exceptions exist. In some dates in some timezones, midnight (i.e. 00:00)
does not exist:
These kinds of implicit conversions may look like they simplify things
but actually they hide nasty bugs under the carpet, that you'll only
discover when it's Jan 1st 2031 and you get angry calls in the morning
while you're hungover, or when your first customer who was born at, I
don't know, 1978-08-01 at midnight in the Fiji islands signs up into the
Please, don't do that. MySQL did that, and I've already suffered because
of it.

I learned that everything with Strings and times/dates/resources/outputs
for multiple languages/regions are not to underestimate ;)

But this here is really news to me... wow

bye Jochen

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