On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Mark Nolan <mano...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm new to guacamole.
> Hopefully I have understood this correctly.
> I want to create an extension that exposes a RESTful resource. Eventually,
> the resource will connect to the Google Cloud Platform API to allow some
> users to start and stop the host that provides a particular connection.
> Currently it implements the AuthenticationProvider interface in a minimal
> way, influenced by the SimpleAuthenticationProvider. It doesn't
> authenticate, but it returns a UserContext. The UserContext returns empty
> lists and directories, except for the root (an empty connection group) and
> the user. All of this seems to work fine - all the methods log (debug
> logging is enabled) and I see the methods being called as I expected. In
> particular, I can see getUserContext being called.
> However, I can't seem to get the RESTful bit to work.
> The UserContext implements getResource. This returns a simple resource that
> works fine if I use it in a standalone service. But, even if it didn't, I
> never see getResource being called.
> And no matter what I use as the URL (within /api/session/ext), I get a
> permission denied reply, which implies that an exception has been
> intercepted. But no exception is logged either, so I can't see any details.
> In fact, nothing is logged at all.
> So, before I switch into full-blown debugging mode, can someone point me in
> the right direction.
> Am I on the right track?

Any chance you can share the code?  It sounds to me like you're on the
right track, and I'm guessing it has something to do with the link between
the authentication provider and the user context classes.


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