Good morning all,

Not sure I can contribute anything much on the two systems Mike's mentioned, but I've some related comments, for what they're worth:

In general I've found the present documentation to be clearly written and formatted well, albeit (as with all documentation) it takes a little time to get used to the writer's intentions.

I think the presentation is much better than many other project docs I've seen. Unless there was a compelling need or evidence to change the presentation per se I suggest it'd be a positive if something similar to the current output format could be retained.

From an input perspective, this may be at complete odds with what I've just said, but almost everyone will know how to fundamentally edit text documents, whereas understanding and hand-editing XML etc is simply an arse (well, to me it is!). So, not knowing anything about the possibilities, a system that is as similar as possible to the way people would do it using something like LibreOffice or similar should be the most universally usable. Pretty much simple WYSIWYG.

From the extremely brief look I've just taken at Asciidoc it's clearly not WYSIWYG? This may be ok for those who're used to cli/cryptic methodologies, but that certainly isn't everyone, and it doesn't make it easy (setting aside the 'purety' argument :-). People who may be good at writing clear documentation may not be coders, and could be well put off by the need to do so simply in order to present their writing. So, if there's an intent to encourage input from others I don't see this sort of thing to be the way forward.

Of course I could have got a hold of completely the wrong end of the stick in which case feel free to ignore me, but if I search for 'online WYSIWYG editor' and 'wiki WYSIWYG editor' I get quite a few results. I've no experience with any of them, so can't provide any further insight at this point, but perhaps someone on this list will have, and could comment?

As for offline docs - where it's significant my personal preference is usually for PDF because it retains the formatting that (usually) makes documents easier to read. Long plain text docs can be difficult given the absence of various visual cues to certain sections, and emphasis where useful etc. For shorter things text is fine, but that's not applicable to Guacamole IMV.

Cheers, Luke.

On 21/04/21 10:20 am, Mike Jumper wrote:
I've been thinking recently that the current guacamole-manual is not very
approachable with respect to contributions, and that members of the
community that might want to contribute to the manual may be turned off by
the complexity/unfamiliarity of DocBook and XML. It'd be nice if improving
the manual were as simple as editing a text document.

Thoughts? Asciidoc seems a common alternative that is compatible with

- Mike

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