On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 11:13 AM Nick Couchman <vn...@apache.org> wrote:
> I decided to take a shot at writing a One-Time Password extension that
> sends the OTP via e-mail, providing multi-factor authentication by
> implementing it as a decorating authentication extension. I've got
> quite a bit of it written and mostly working, but I'm running into one
> behavior that I cannot figure out.
> One of my criteria when implementing this extension was that the OTP
> communicated via e-mail should only be used one time - that is, as
> soon as it is used, it is invalidated and/or removed from the storage
> mechanism that tracks the OTPs for the user. Unfortunately this is
> causing an issue, because it seems that the decorate() method for the
> UserContext object gets called twice, which means the OTP validation
> happens twice. I'm not sure if this is because it's getting called to
> decorate both the Postgresql and Postgresql Shared authentication
> providers? I've gone through my code a few times to make sure that I'm
> not accidentally calling it multiple times, myself, and I'm not seeing
> that.
> So, my questions are:
> 1) Is this (multiple decorations/verifications during a single login) 
> expected?
> 2) Assuming it is expected, any guidance on how to implement in a way
> that works with this? I suppose I could relax the requirement for only
> using it once and allow it to be used multiple times during the time
> it is valid, but ideally it would truly be a single-use password.

Perhaps this is similar to the issue faced in GUACAMOLE-1780?


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